Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Intro Post

Why did I decide to take Japanese? There are a variety of reasons: first of all, I will admit my interest was first peaked when I began to read manga and watch anime, and I started falling in love with the language. I decided that it would not only be fun to learn it, but challenging.

I would also love to help out some of my online friends with translation work, as there are many comics that can not be read by people who know only English. In the future, I'd also love to visit Japan, and it would be rude not to know the language while visiting there.

I'm extremely excited for this class! While the no-English policy frightens me a bit, I'm sure I'll get the hang of it quickly, as I already know several words and phrases. I can't wait to piece together what I know into actual sentences and conversations! I've also wanted to learn a foreign language for some time now, so this is perfect.