Saturday, May 3, 2014


おおかみこどもは かなしいえいがだったけど、とてもよかったです。はなは やさしいお母さんで、雨と雪は かわいくて、いい子供です。でも、おおかみさんの死ぬのと 雨に行くのとは かなしいから、私はたくさんなきました。このアニメーションはとても きれいですね。おおかみこどもが大好きです。

I really enjoyed watching Wolf Children! My friend kept telling me to watch it, so I just had to when it was chosen as a movie for movie night. I cried a lot, especially at the end, when Hana tells Ame that she never did anything for him. That just tore out my heart, because she did do so much, and because it made me think of my own mother as well. Even though it was sad, it was also very happy at times, and I found myself laughing a lot. I'm glad I went and saw this movie.